This site is written and published using VimWiki. I write site content in .wiki
format and export them to HTML using the built-in HTML converter. Then the HTML files get deployed to my remote server. What you currently looking at is the static content served by Nginx.
Of course, doing all these manually to publish new content is a lot of hassle. I have automated the entire process such that all I need to care about is to write stuff.
Normally, I would call :Vimwiki2HTML
command in vim to export my wiki to HTML. To automatically call this command after saving a file, I add this line in my vim configuration file after VimWiki plugin is loaded:
autocmd FileType vimwiki autocmd BufWritePost <buffer> silent Vimwiki2HTML
It basically tells vim that whenever a .wiki
file is saved to buffer, run command :Vimwiki2HTML
and silent the output.
There are many ways to achieve this, but since I've already setup Syncthing between my local machine and remote machine, all I need to do is to add ~/wiki_html
folder to be synced. Alternatively, for example, we could use rsync to upload our files to the remote server, which is dead simple as well.